年度颁奖典礼 are grants and prizes awarded to deserving students on a yearly basis.
(Note: * indicates award may not be available every year.)
这个奖项, established in honor of Professor Emeritus John Behrens, 是为了表彰非传统学生的个人和学术成就,并鼓励他们继续取得成功.
这笔100美元的奖金是颁发给在商业和国际研究领域表现出色的大四学生的. 它是由布朗夫人创立的. Gertrude Bean to perpetuate the name of Mr. Joseph Bonomo and his high ideals of education and business. 该奖项基于GPA为3分.0分或更高,并考虑到学生参加课外活动的情况. 选择国际商务管理专业的学生优先考虑.
由雷蒙德·西蒙公共关系学院建立并管理以纪念欧文·科莫拉1953年, 这个每年200美元的现金奖是颁发给在大学周刊上工作出色和有效的橘子员工.
Jessica Cynkus Memorial Accounting Award
This Award was established by Harry Cynkus ’71 in honor of his mother. It is awarded to a full-time student entering their junior year, majoring in Accounting – CPA (until 2009, then an Accounting Major will be selected). 该奖项的金额将高达每学期250美元,并提供购买书籍的报销,最高金额为奖励金额或书籍的实际费用, 取较小者. The Award is renewable for the senior year based on continued academic merit. Selection shall be made based on academic merit by full-time Accounting faculty.
David D'Alessandro/RSI实习生奖
这些750 - 2美元,公共关系/新闻学学院认为有学术表现的高级学生可获得000英镑的奖励, 专业, 课外表现出色. 该奖项由David D' alessandro于1972年设立,旨在帮助公共关系/新闻实习生支付实习费用.
Henry and Rose DiSpirito Award for Excellence in Art
这个奖项 was established by Dolores DiSpirito in honor of her parents, 已故的亨利·迪斯皮里托, former artist-in-residence at 利记sbo, 还有已故的玫瑰酒. 该奖项的获得者将是一名全职大四学生,其作品反映了在艺术领域有持久贡献的潜力.
Kathi Kowalewski Dunn ’86 Therapeutic Recreation Award
由琼凯设立的图书报销额度以购买图书的奖励金额或图书的实际费用为限, 取较小者. 获奖者将由治疗娱乐项目主席从候选人中选出,这些候选人最好地展示了治疗娱乐领域的倾向,并体现了Kathi对该专业的奉献和承诺, 还有她的敏感, 心, 以及对病人的同情.
帕罗米. 埃斯卡里拉化学奖
这个奖项 recognizes academic achievement in a chemistry course(s). 它的命名是为了纪念安帕罗·M. Escarrilla, Ph值.D.他是化学名誉教授. Recipients are selected by the full-time faculty of the chemistry department.
Robert Feldman/RSI 教师 and Student Support Grants
由先生创立. 费尔德曼78年, 这些年度拨款为公共关系专业的学生和教师提供资金,以支持项目, 旅行, 还有课外活动.
Anthony Gagliardi/RSI艺术奖
Named for the 1952 public relations graduate, now retired after three decades as a General Motors communications executive, 这个年度现金奖颁发给在艺术和公共关系方面表现出色的公共关系专业毕业生.
Fred and Corinne Grates/RSI Achievement Award
Alex Haley杂志写作奖*
现金奖将颁发给被评为本年度完成约翰·贝伦斯教授杂志写作课程的最佳杂志作家的学生. The award recipient is placed on an honor roll of Alex Haley Award winners at the University. The award was begun in 1983 with guidelines and the initial contribution by Roots author Haley.
乔治·E. Jones/RSI Outstanding Public Relations/ Journalism Student Awards
为纪念乔治E. 琼斯的60, 这四个150至200美元的奖项每年颁发给每个班级的优秀公共关系/新闻系学生, 专业, 以及课外成就.
Gary and Jeanne LaBella/RSI Transition Award
提出了每年, 这个现金奖是颁发给从以前的机构转到利记sbo后表现优异的公共关系/新闻专业的学生, 作为夫人. LaBella did when she was an undergraduate. Gary and Jeanne graduated in 1975 and have built successful PR careers in the Washington, D.C. area.
F. 克拉克劳瑞奖
兰德尔·K. 尼克尔斯奖
由兰德尔·K教授创立. 尼克尔斯, this award will be presented to a fulltime student in their junior year, majoring in Cybersecurity and Information Assurance. If there is not an eligible student meeting these criteria, 此外,亦会考虑就读刑事司法及/或经济犯罪调查专业的三年级全日制学生. 该奖项将为购买书籍提供最高奖励金额或书籍实际费用的报销, 取较小者. 获奖者将由商业与司法学院院长指定的委员会选出, of whom at least one member should be a representative of the Justice Studies programs.
Reader's Digest Foundation 研究 Grants*
参加JS 373高级杂志研究课程的学生有资格获得研究资助,以支付准备杂志文章发表所需的费用. Joanne Reppel/RSI应急补助金
由女士成立. Reppel 62, 这些年度拨款为公共关系专业的学生和教师提供资金,以支持项目, 旅行, 还有课外活动.
Eleanor and Matty Sokolow/RSI Writing Awards
Named in honor of the mother- and father-in-law of Owen Comora '53, 该奖项颁发给在一门或多门公共关系/新闻课程中表现出出色写作能力的三名公共关系/新闻专业学生.
拉尔夫F. Strebel奖
This is an annual prize of $50 given to an outstanding pre-medical scholar. 它是由Dr. 克里斯蒂E. 戴维斯和玛丽·J. 以纪念拉尔夫·F·戴维斯院长. 斯特雷贝尔,利记sbo的先驱.
大卫·F. 59周年纪念奖
先生的联营公司. Trad at Kaman Sciences Corporation and The Rome Laboratory of Griffiss Air Force Base and Mr. 传统的家庭, 这个奖项是颁发给利记sbo计算机科学专业的一名新生,他是怀特斯伯勒高中的毕业生.
约瑟夫A. 玛丽·E. 维克勒纪念奖
该奖项每年颁发给新哈特福德高中进入利记sbo的新生. 奖励金额将用于补偿购买书籍的金额或书籍的实际费用, 取较小者. Selection for the Award shall be made by the Office of Student Financial Services.
Joseph Vogel Award for Poetry and Joseph Vogel Award for Fiction
Established by the late author Joseph Vogel, these awards are given to students for outstanding work in poetry and in fiction.
Professor Emeritus Jerome Weiss Outstanding Theatre Award
Established by Professor Emeritus Jerome Weiss, 该奖项每年颁发给在利记sbo期间参与戏剧艺术的优秀学生. In the case that no deserving students are identified, the Award shall not be made.
罗伯特·伍兹院长学生生活奖的收入将用于资助与学生生活奖相关的年度费用, including but not limited to the cost of preparing the awards and the award ceremony. 该奖项每年颁发给在利记sbo学习期间对校园生活质量做出最杰出贡献的毕业班成员. These contributions include but are not limited to leadership in student government, 利记sbo, 表演艺术和美术, 社区服务, 学生刊物及媒体, 或校园社会文化活动. 奖学金获得者的评选办法由学校学生事务高级官员决定.
Dr. Mark E. 奇迹纪念奖
Financial assistance from this fund, established by the family of Dr. Wondro, is made to a full-time student who has been accepted in a school of podiatry. 每个候选人都必须表现出这些特征,这些特征将使他/她成为他/她的职业和社区的资产. 获奖者必须是学业优秀、积极关心他人的全能型学生. Preference may be given to students who demonstrate financial need.
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