游戏介绍! Brand new, 最先进的设施 welcomes ESports program
“这个项目开了个好头, and things are only going to get better from here.”
游戏介绍! 利记sbo公布了人们期待已久的, highly anticipated Carbone Family 的电子竞技 Auditorium during Homecoming weekend. 这是全新的, 最先进的设施, 位于公牛大厅, is home to the new 利记sbo 的电子竞技 Program. Spearheaded by Utica’s own Daniel Sportello ’23, this new space will be the hub for 的电子竞技 activities and tournaments, 为团队合作提供同样的机会, sportsmanship and strategizing as traditional sports.
的电子竞技 is rapidly growing among colleges and universities across North America, and this arena already allows Utica students to compete against some of the top 的电子竞技 teams in the nation.
“不像传统的体育项目, 的电子竞技 is not separated into divisions like the NCAA is, so no matter the size of the college or university, 如果他们有一个电子竞技团队, 他们可以竞争,斯波泰罗说. “We have competed against Harvard, Wichita State, Texas A&M, Cornell, Virginia Tech, University of Albany, and so many more.”
Utica opened its 2022 Fall season with a huge win over the reigning Fall Eastern Coast Conference (ECC) champions of Valorant, 南新罕布什尔大学, 2比0横扫对手, 从10月6日开始, Utica’s Call of Duty team was in a two-way tie for first place in the Eastern 3 Conference.
“这个项目开了个好头, and things are only going to get better from here,斯波泰罗说.
目前, there are 25 active competitors in Utica’s 的电子竞技 program, 总共有50多名学生参与其中. 预计这些数字只会继续增长. 除参赛队伍外, a student-run 的电子竞技 club is in the works and will be available soon, which will allow any students from noobs to pros an opportunity to participate in “intramural” style play.
“This gives me the opportunity to pursue a passion in gaming, which is becoming much more mainstream nowadays,贾斯汀·艾伦说。, 希尔顿体育管理专业毕业的, N.Y., who is also co-captain of the men’s hockey team. “I personally get a ton of excitement from playing on the Call of Duty team. I enjoy hanging out with my teammates who also share the same love and passion that I do.”
The 的电子竞技 Program is expected to be a huge draw for prospective students, and none of it would have been possible if not for Sportello. Gaming offered Sportello a therapeutic escape from reality after sustaining a spinal cord injury while in the service of our country in the U.S. 军队. He drew inspiration for the program from a friend who established one of the first 的电子竞技 programs in the country. Aspiring to take Utica’s previously disjointed club and create a collegiate-recognized competitive gaming program, he presented his idea to university leadership and they wholeheartedly supported his vision. Sportello and other Esport club members lobbied that having a dedicated space and program for 的电子竞技 teams to practice and compete would erase the socioeconomic barriers gaming can pose, and give all students an opportunity to compete at the collegiate level. Investing in an 的电子竞技 Program for the university would ultimately lead to high returns in both enrollment and student morale, 这是该机构的胜利.
“无论你喜欢AAA级还是独立游戏, this program presents exciting opportunities for students and there will be many opportunities to get involved, 所以不要在AFK呆太久!斯波泰罗说.
-story and photos by Victoria DeLuca '24, PR Intern
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